Taxation planning

KM Nordic Invest AG and our specialised partners and attorneys help wealthy individuals, families and businesses benefit from the most efficient tax-saving strategies and solutions.

Tax regulations have become more complex than ever, and the risk of overpaying and double taxation is often a real threat, even within Europe. 
According to studies, the most important factor to long-term prosperity – in addition to an excellent investment strategy – is an optimised asset allocation, effectively minimising various tax burdens.


KM Nordic Invest offers the following tax advice and advantages.


Refined solutions that pass boundaries. 

You live in a globalised world where family members or assets are spread across different countries. So we develop strategies to streamline and avoid double taxation and identify saving opportunities. We utilise existing double-taxation treaties, transfer active holding companies to tax-favourable jurisdictions, and optimise the international withholding tax burden for securities portfolios.



The guidance of local experts. 

With our worldwide network of highly skilled local and international attorneys, we help coordinate the tax and legal advise where cross-border asset management and international asset succession issues are involved.


Making the right moves, relocating across borders. 

Moving and relocation of wealthy individuals or families can be accompanied by unpleasant financial consequences. KM Nordic Invest and our partners help to structure all assets so that the tax burden in the new country of residence is favourable.



With services that go beyond.   

We gather and provide your individual tax reports from our banking partners and coordinate directly with your tax specialist.

For more information regarding Taxation Planning please contact us at or simply call +41 44 202 77 77 
